Hello Friends

My name is Cori. I am a wife and the mother to three young children. We make our home in northern Virginia where the trees are green and the people are busy.

I love a great deal, flip flops, and music that gets you up and dancing . A good day includes love mail, blue skies, and playing outside. I believe in God and happy endings.

I struggle with a lot of things including anxiety and punctuation. Life can be oh so hard and beautiful at the same time. I hope this blog can be a place to reflect on the hard and embrace the sweet. A place to figure out who I am after the past few years of heart ache and trial. A place to celebrate small successes and laugh/cry/scream when things don't go as planned. A place to post about thrift shopping, adventures with family, projects, or whatever is on my mind. This is my place.

Why happy cori? To begin with the end in mind, of course.

This is real life blog.  I eat fancy cupcakes, I don't make them.
